Unless you've spent the last year living under a big dumb rock, you know that Pharrell is an expert on all things happy. With a simple R&B backbone, an irresistible vocal and a shoutout to everyone who feels "like a room without a roof," the multi-hyphenate artist created more than a song -- "Happy" is an era-defining meme, a four-minute blast of pop Esperanto. But what about when Pharrell isn't crushing charts in more countries than we knew existed (or working on his G-Star Raw For the Oceans collection, which spins oceanic plastic waste into hot denim apparel)? He was kind enough to enlighten us on the little things that make him happy. Clap along.
Portrait by Jake Chessum
1. Miami for weather, water and women
2. Pubbelly sushi snow crab roll
3. Heartfelt oldies songs
4. Mickey Mouse house slippers
5. Jalapeño kettle chips
6. Exploring Japan
7. DIY projects
8. Singing / writing in the shower
9. Squidbillies
10. Midnight cereal