In the spirit of Halloween, Arcade Fire has released a 21-minute-long horror film called Festi. It begins with a soundcheck in the rain but quickly amps up the creepy factor. The plot revolves around Will Butler trying to escape the infamous '27 Club' on his 27th birthday during a night punctuated by spooky going-ons and encounters with the ghost of Jim Morrison. There's also lots of fun celeb sightings: keep your eye out for some of Arcade Fire's famous friends like James Murphy, Fleet Foxes, Peter Gabriel and a special musical performance from Slash.
In the spirit of Halloween, Arcade Fire has released a 21-minute-long horror film called Festi. It begins with a soundcheck in the rain but quickly amps up the creepy factor. The plot revolves around Will Butler trying to escape the infamous '27 Club' on his 27th birthday during a night punctuated by spooky going-ons and encounters with the ghost of Jim Morrison. There's also lots of fun celeb sightings: keep your eye out for some of Arcade Fire's famous friends like James Murphy, Fleet Foxes, Peter Gabriel and a special musical performance from Slash.