"Coco Chanel once said, 'Luxury must be comfortable; otherwise it is not luxury.' Le Snob is just that." B. Akerlund, designer and self-proclaimed "fashion activist," is explaining her soon-to-be-launched line, a flagrantly luxe array that plays on our perennial obsession with designer logos while offering design tweaks that would make Michael Bay proud -- think bags that conceal golden umbrellas or even transform into dresses. Akerlund creates a dramatic impression wherever she goes, wearing black and tooling around in her 1979 Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow whose black-and-cream color scheme "represents the caviar and champagne in my life." (No wonder Queen Bey and the original Material Girl are clients; Akerlund recently styled the latter's "Living for Love" video.) To Akerlund, the modern luxury customer is always on the go, and Le Snob knows just what she's after. "If you need a collapsible duffel because you are a shopaholic or a carry-on dress because your luggage was lost, it's all there in the concept and design." Perhaps it's her maverick approach to her own personal style that best shows what luxury today is all about. But whether she's behind the scenes or in the spotlight, Akerlund does it all the Snob way.
Styling by B. Akerlund for Le Snob
Hair by Amber Kerns Makeup by Rob Sheppy