CBS aired its "Songs in the Key of Life" Stevie Wonder tribute last night with performances by Lady Gaga, John Legend, Ed Sheeran, Ariana Grande, Janelle Monae and more, but, duh, the evening's opener Beyonce was the stand-out. Setting off an earth-shattering A-bomb of Bey that we still haven't recovered from, Yonce performed a medley of "Fingertips," "Master Blaster"(with Sheeran) and "Higher Ground" with Gary Clark Jr. This was peak Beyonce. There was belting that would make angels weep. There were blowing fans. There were gams for days and a sparkle dress that had become one with her body. Like the title of this Vimeo clip, all we can say is "Beeyonceee."
CBS aired its "Songs in the Key of Life" Stevie Wonder tribute last night with performances by Lady Gaga, John Legend, Ed Sheeran, Ariana Grande, Janelle Monae and more, but, duh, the evening's opener Beyonce was the stand-out. Setting off an earth-shattering A-bomb of Bey that we still haven't recovered from, Yonce performed a medley of "Fingertips," "Master Blaster"(with Sheeran) and "Higher Ground" with Gary Clark Jr. This was peak Beyonce. There was belting that would make angels weep. There were blowing fans. There were gams for days and a sparkle dress that had become one with her body. Like the title of this Vimeo clip, all we can say is "Beeyonceee."