Saturday Night Live perfectly skewers Justin Bieber's confusing/upsetting/sexy/confusing/what-is-happening-to-us-all Calvin Klein underwear ads. Can Kate McKinnon's Justin Bieber just go ahead and replace actual Justin Bieber? [SaturdayNightLive]
Don't mess with the Dogspotting Facebook page. [ZackTheBrown]
A friendly seal cuddles up to a yellow lab on the beach and it's the best. [TastefullyOffensive]
Silently correcting your grammar, thinking "how the fuck are you a person?" since 1928. [RatsOff]
Crucial video of a baby goat dressed as an old woman, reading a book. [TastefullyOffensive]
Gorgeous. [FYouNoFMe]
A friendly seal cuddles up to a yellow lab on the beach and it's the best. [TastefullyOffensive]
Silently correcting your grammar, thinking "how the fuck are you a person?" since 1928. [RatsOff]
Crucial video of a baby goat dressed as an old woman, reading a book. [TastefullyOffensive]
Gorgeous. [FYouNoFMe]
It's Valencia. [RatsOff]
Us last night. [RatsOff]