Moody bachelor Drake has offered up yet another reason why you (ladies) should want to fall in love with him or, alternatively, regret falling out of love with him: you'll become immortal.
Last night, the rapper re-grammed a pithy quote from Mustafa Ahmed on Instagram that extolled the benefits of dating a writer. "If a writer falls in love with you," the post seduced, "you'll never die." But we're pretty sure that Mustafa's caption, which reads like one of the saltiest Drake come ons, is what the rapper related to most.
Drake has already immortalized and defamed countless women in his career as a songwriter/God's gift to women, but if you're still not sure about the benefits that come with loving Drake, here's a testimonial:
Drake says all the women he mentions in songs "love it" #CRWN
-- Sowmya Krishnamurthy (@SowmyaK) September 23, 2013
So if you want Drake to shout out your full name and personal details -- like he did Courtney from Hooters from on Peachtree -- on his next track, go for it! You'll love it, probably. We still, however, recommend exercising caution, as falling in love with Drake the Poet is at your own risk.