Two PAPER cover superstars,
M.I.A. and
Janelle Monae, plan to do a couple of duets tonight in New York and LA. The singers will be hooked-up via a live satellite feed and a new hologram technique developed by
Vita Motus Design Studios and
Obscura Digital. Unfortunately, only a few lucky people who've been invited to the launch of
Audi's new A3 car will get to see the show. M.I.A. will do her set here in NYC while Monae plays out in Los Angeles, but at some point, they'll be beamed across the country for the historic duet. We also hear that film producer and director Peter Martin, who co-producer of the Vik Muniz documentary
Waste Land, is also involved. This could be more fun than Tupac's Coachella "appearance" in 2012.