Are you a good driver? Do you think you could handle driving a getaway car IRL?
Hell no. It's not a good idea for me to be driving. That was one of the challenges of making this film. They had me practicing in a minivan around the boroughs -- like, really? But I did it, and I actually had a moment where I was proud of myself, which doesn't happen often. So if I had to in real life, I would find a way. It wouldn't be very graceful, but I would do it.
What fascinated you most about Rosie and Tommy's story?
It was the whole concept of folie à deux. When people are that in love with each other, they share a language inexplicable to anyone else. They were a team and when you're in that frame of mind, everything is a good idea.
Do you consider Rosie and Tommy to be beautiful people?
I do. It is so rare these days to be committed to someone else and to what you're doing in such a full-bodied way, and I think that makes them very beautiful.