On Saturday's fabulously weird Louis C.K.-hosted episode of SNL, Kate McKinnon and Aidy Bryant played Dyke & Fats, two '70s era Chicago cops who kick-ass and won't stand for anyone calling them those names. Those are their words! Bravo. [via NBC]
Another highlight from the episode was Kyle Mooney's amazing digital short in which he played a mid-to-late-90s high schooler named Chris who's running for class president. Among other things you should know about him are that he has "a dog named Sammy" and doesn't like "extra stuff" on his hamburgers. (He's a simple guy.) The whole thing is weirdo perfection. [via NBC]
Also an SNL homerun this week: "Black Jeopardy."

This horrendous, giant David Hassellhoff mannequin can be yours for the right price. Sleep tight tonight! [Gawker]
It's dumb Monday and aint nobody got time for that. Enjoy this video of a bulldog puppy and a baby hanging out to quell your sorrows. [TastefullyOffensive]