"Most Impressive Celebrity" of the Week: Mary-Kate Olsen. Though it's taken her some time, the Olsen twin has finally figured out how to use a hairbrush. When Elle asked her to dish her beauty secrets she replied, "The truth is, I feel like I just learned how to brush my hair like last week." You go, girl. [Via The Cut] -- Gabby Bess
Best "Will Make You Cry in Under 40 Seconds" of the Week: READY, SET, GO NOPE I ALREADY LOST. --TCM
Best Spring Has Sprung Video of the Week: This one, by The Younger Lovers. Quintessential summer fun. This song is the JAM. -- E.T.

Best "How Old People React to this New Thing" Video of the Week: Aww so adorable to see a grandpa looking out for his grandson's cock like this!!!! -- TCM
Best New Bar: Shop on every corner coffee chain, Starbucks is now selling booze. How convenient -- M.D.
Best Foreign YouTube Video of the Week: IT'S ITALIAN SISTER ACT, GIRLFRIEND. --TCM