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Kim and Kris Are Finally Divorced

Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries are now officially divorced and Kris got no money. [via Dlisted]


Justin Bieber channeled Spring Breakers on his Instagram. Oh god, Justin Bieber. [via Dlisted]

141320382_custom-836c8cc838b31a09728f2b3f7ca4825f8768a474-s3.jpgThe Digital Public Library of America -- "intended to provide free open access to materials from libraries, museums, universities and archives across the country" -- will be live at noon on Thursday. [via NPR]

Here's the video for Miguel's "How Many Drinks?" remix. [via Pitchfork]

81A-T2gCgL._SL1500_-300x454.jpgWith a slogan like "Seeking love. Finding overalls," we already have a good feeling about The Man Repeller's new book. That said, the door for fashion bloggers and book deals has just flung right open. [via Fashionista]

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