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Seals Yelling Like Humans


Goats schmoats, here's seals yelling like humans! [TastefullyOffensive]

Here's Paul Ryan accidentally saying he's "not going to give up on destroying the health care system for the American people" during his budget proposal press conference yesterday.  [DailyKos]

This video of a dancing nana has been making the rounds for the past few days, but it's SO excellent. May we all be this awesome some day. The 2:28 mark is pure gold.  [TastefullyOffensive]

Best dog snoring ever? [Gawker]
jtimbhair.pngJustin Timberlake's teenage ramen hair, always and forever. [KimJongChill]

tumblr_mj9xdhzYGu1rhxd21o1_500.giftumblr_mj9xdhzYGu1rhxd21o2_500.gifTumblr of our dreams = RickMoranisGIFs.

tumblr_mise9331e81qaw3d6o1_1280.jpgPhil, please. [RoboShark]

tumblr_mjkeypV6Hu1rggrn8o1_1280.jpgComics by Matt Dojny via the Rumpus.

tumblr_mc1q8bkCPZ1qa70eyo1_500.gifKthanxbai. [Vintagegal]

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