1) The New York Foundation for the Arts job board has listings for four openings in Jeff Koons' studio, including "wood carver," "Sculpture Painting - Masker," "Sculptor - Stone Carver" and "Sculptor - Moldmaker & Plaster." [Gallerist; photo by Billy Farrell/BFAnyc.com]

2) OMG, our favorite person in the world Ina Garten has a new line of frozen foods that will hit stores in Spring. Make them for your Jeffrey. [Eater]

5) From the makers of Movie: The Movie comes Movie: The Movie: 2V. Kudos to Bradley Cooper for pointing out an age-old movie problem: zombies are often too sexy.

7) Justin Timberlake will do a full week of performances on Jimmy Fallon March 11-15 and will host SNL (OF COURSE) on March 9th. [PopCultureBrain]