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Morning Funnies: Stacey Dash & Paul Ryan 4-Evs + Halloweeeeen!

tumblr_mcop66RoyT1rk4kfio1_1280.jpgIn case you missed it, Mayor Bloomberg's awesomely expressive sign-language interpreter, Lydia Callis, has a fan site. [NYT]

enhanced-buzz-wide-7105-1351618833-4.jpgIs it just us, or does Romney-supporting Clueless star Stacey Dash look like a virgin who can't drive in this photo she Tweeted of herself with Paul Ryan? [Buzzfeed]

kelseugrammer-tmz.pngNot that Kelsey Grammer is a noted parenting expert and/or respected celebrity role model for all, but, oh god, Kelsey Grammer, what are you doing? [TMZ]

x2-washington-e1351535145503.jpgRumpus illustrator Jason Novak drew all of the 43 presidents with the help of his 1-and-a-half-year-old daughter, Gertie. It's super cute. Here's their collaboration on George Washington. [TheRumpus]

tumblr_mcqkksBbIh1qz6f9yo1_500.jpgThe past few days in NYC. [ThisIsntHappiness]

tumblr_mcmgzoKiTS1r3k73wo1_400.pngYeah. [RatsOff]

tumblr_mcpzb1CVwg1rxxem7o1_500.gifIt's a pleasure. [AfternoonSnoozeButton]

tumblr_mcgyxqYpP71rf089no1_500.gifFrida is not impressed. [MovingtheStill]

tumblr_mcnpfrCOqL1qbsnqxo1_500.gifFYI, the election episode of 30 Rock, 'There Is No I in America' is on tonight, not tomorrow. [HuffPo, GIF via PLF]

Speaking of 30 Rock, it wouldn't be Halloween without Werewolf Bar Mitzvah. Boys becoming men, men becoming wolves!

It also wouldn't be Halloween without the KXVO Pumpkin Dancer!! A classic.
tumblr_mcq9ohlJ641qzlkn2o1_500.jpg'Impersonal Halloween.' [ThisIsntHappiness]

Keanu-Halloween1-650x516.jpgTip for tonight should you run into Keanu Reeves (and be a cute girl dressed in a Ninja Turtles costume): He will take a photo with you and he will do double 'I love you' hands. Is Keanu Reeves the best? [Uproxx]

tumblr_mcpvg2Y3RV1qzpwi0o1_500.jpgOK, this wins the award for Most Genius Halloween Costume: Paralympic skier Josh Sundquist went as the leg lamp from A Christmas Story. [TheClearlyDope]

tumblr_mcq1seFgdv1qzy0ygo1_500.jpgOK, this wins the 2nd place for Most Genius Halloween Costume. [CrookedIndifference]

tumblr_mcggffc6Wx1rtnqrso1_500.jpgOK, Ramen Justin Timberlake also wins 2nd place for Most Genius Halloween Costume. Is that yarn?? [FYeahDementia]

tumblr_mckgewCveV1qa8s1fo1_400.gifBoo! [ButtoWeen]

tumblr_mcq6upKIeC1qkg5u5o1_500.gifAhhh, Nosferatu's going to eat you! [VintageGal]

tumblr_lyshv9ANEN1qiz3j8o1_500.gifYou dropped something. [VintgeGal]

bOG96.jpgOh Panda Pug, Unipug feels your pain. [Reddit]

1287664418_halloween-animals-33.jpgMake sure to lick a pumpkin today.... [BunnyFood]

tumblr_la911v8cqF1qdjgsdo1_500.jpgOr Frankenkitty will bite you! [Bunnyfood]

And, just cuz, here's the always-delightful ending to Beetlejuice. Happy Halloween, everyone!

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