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Morning Funnies: The Best/Cutest Presidential Photobomb + Tom Hanks' Full House Slam Poetry

photobomb.jpgSure, there are a couple weeks left til the election, but we feel confident declaring this The Best/Cutest Photobomb of the 2012 Presidential Campaign. [Gawker]

justin-timberlake-300.jpgJessica Biel and Justin Timberlake's People cover looks like a still from *NSYNC's "Tearing Up My Heart" video.

Tom Hanks performed truly amazing slam poetry about the Beach Boys/Hawaii episode of Full House on Late Night last night. [LNJF via Vulture]

In case you were wondering, Ryan Gosling has always been charming and delightful. Here's 12-year-old Ryan being interviewed on Canada AM about his new role on the Mickey Mouse Club. ("You just wear cool clothes and you have a lot of fun.") [Dlisted]

tumblr_mcd5fv0nRx1qziscwo1_500.jpgThe only sweatshirt in the world. [RyanHatesThis]

tumblr_mccxevOU5R1qd9qa2o1_500.jpg"Long Bike Ride" by Jorge Garza. [LaughingSquid]

tumblr_mc9yts6C0O1rj11mho1_1280.jpgBun B has a rap coloring book and it's awesome. [TheDailyDot via Bun B's Jumbo Coloring and Rap Activity Tumblr

tumblr_mc98sjgmSW1qzv9mho1_1280.png Poop transplants are real things. Question: How does one become a poop donor? (We are asking for a friend.) [redsuspenders]

SNNpQ.gif A 'Butthead' costume at the Halloween dog parade over the weekend. We prefer 'Mr. Wigglebottom,' but fine. [Reddit]

tumblr_mcd0bapTcp1qe0wclo1_500.jpgIt took us a shamefully long amount of time to figure out what was truly wrong with this photo. First we were like, 'Ugh, couples' mittens are for awful people' and then we were like, 'Ohhhh.'  [TheClearlyDope]

Will Arnett reveals that Conan O'Brien and Andy Richter will be on the new season of Arrested Development... (He also shares some of his decorating touches around the DumbDumb office.) [PopCultureBraintumblr_mcbzfg0LVG1qzpwi0o1_500.jpgSiiiiick. [RatsOff]

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