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GIFs of the Week: DNC, VMAs + A Solo Soccer Game

Welcome to our Friday GIF roundup, featuring a collection of this week's most important, amusing and/or newsy GIFs and GIF sets by Mike Hayes of BuzzFeed and GIFHound.

This week is DNC+VMA heavy.

tumblr_m9zg43LwFD1rtxen9o1_400.gif1. We learned last night that Barack Obama is way ticklish. [BarackObama]

obamahug.gif2. Bill's good speech got him a hug from our ticklish Commander-in-chief [TheAtlantic]

anigif_enhanced-buzz-722-1346979390-0.gif anigif_enhanced-buzz-3405-1346980303-14.gif

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3. If you're wondering who won GIFs at the DNC, Jennifer Granholm won GIFs at the DNC. [Buzzfeed]

anigif_enhanced-buzz-21996-1346812966-1.gif4. The completely adorable three-year-old daughter of San Antonio mayor Julian Castro, Carina Castro came in a close second. [Buzzfeed]

tumblr_m9yj3vObBX1qzigjno1_400.gif5. From the VMAs last night. Nobody knew what Katy Perry and Rihanna were doing here. [RyanHatesThis]

6. Or here... [RyanHatesThis]

tumblr_m9ygu9TWRt1qh9nffo1_500.gif7. Rashida Jones YOLO'd at the VMAs. Again, nobody knows why. [MTV]

tumblr_m9yftbid6h1qh9nffo1_500.gif8. Obligatory Frank Ocean GIF from last night. Love Frank. Love. [MTV]

tumblr_m9xk0qwlU71qchnw4o1_500.gif9. Back to the DNC...This guy was Bill Clinton's biggest fan. [JackPMoore]

tumblr_m9trcjvEb81rt6jibo1_250.gif  tumblr_m9trcjvEb81rt6jibo2_250.gif  tumblr_m9trcjvEb81rt6jibo3_r1_250.gif

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10. Fine, one thing that's not Convention or VMAs related... [Cvecimu]

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