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The Morning Funnies: Celebrity Arm-Stroking at the DNC + Rabbit Errands

217080_10151199402271397_260950411_n.jpgIf you missed Bill Clinton's speech at the DNC last night, this is basically what happened. [via Earl Dax]

Speaking of which, watch Mitt Romney look like an idiot talking to a gay veteran. [via Upworthy]

anigif_enhanced-buzz-13950-1346900423-21.gifHere's Eva Longoria (kind of erotically?) stroking Jessica Alba's arm at the Democratic National Convention. [via BuzzFeed]

Screen Shot 2012-09-06 at 8.55.32 AM.pngTalan from Laguna Beach, for whom we always had a soft-spot, got busted for a DUI. [via Radar Online]

tumblr_lwkue0LPPI1qhwm3wo1_500.jpgMmm... Sweaty Man-Ass... [via Paris Hilton Sex Slave]

tumblr_m6mobyClCE1ranqoeo1_400.png41 swagz -- not too shabby. [via Penis Police]

tumblr_m9vwh4PVLX1qa6z3eo1_500.jpgRabbit errands. [via Imgur]

tumblr_m9u2n0OJtn1r9nupyo1_500.jpgSwitcharoo. [via Strange and Unprepared]

tumblr_m9sad0ON031r3cb6zo1_500.pngSawry. [via Kawaiians]

tumblr_m9vqq85z801qz8vumo1_500.jpgVanny DeVito, courtesy of Hanksy. Any relation to Jennifer Vaniston? [via HuffPo]

Screen Shot 2012-09-06 at 8.31.19 AM.pngWeezer is planning to launch a summer camp. [via NME]

james2450.jpgJames Franco's former film professor is suing him for defamation. Apparently Franco repeatedly talked smack about him in interviews. The professor told the Post: "Whoever was in Clint Eastwood's chair at the Republican National Convention was more present than Mr. Franco was in my classes."

554833_990214370304_758588283_n.jpgApparently, President Rutherford B. Hayes' wife Lucy Webb Hayes likes to eat centipedes. [via Elizabeth Gumport]

AdeleFado.jpgExtreme drop crotch jeans courtesy of designer Adele Fado. [via Laughing Squid]

tumblr_m9vt5nQRcj1qlkly8.jpgAaaand... that park is The Highline. [via the Whoa!]

The worst (best?) Family Feud answers in the show's history. "Nekkid grandma!!" [via The Clearly Dope]

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