Hey Girl Affordable Health Care Act.
Yes, yes, yes and yes. [PreciousLittleMoleskin]
All this photo needs are deal with it sunglasses on Nancy Pelosi. [ImWithKanye]
Charcoal activated pads that stick to your underwear and absorb flatulence. Also known as Fart Be Gone! Flatulence Deodorizer Pads. Street name: Flat-D Pads. [Laughing Squid Via Gizmodo]
Robert Downey Jr. Downy. [BadTVBlog]
Puttin on the ritz. [Bunnyfood]
Problem solved. [Reddit]
In which Julie Klausner and Ted Leo report from a basset hound festival called the "Howlabaloo" on Long Island. "The male dog I've been watching all day needed to be wearing underpants." [Vulture]
Another take on wood paneling. [Buzzfeed]
Dear lord. [BadTVBlog]
Dolly's got rude Friday 'tude! [1800ILoveGIFS]