In the animated video for their new single "Pleasure This Pain," Angel Haze and Kwamie Liv go on a road trip that turns into a kaleidoscopic shoot-out. Fortunately, the two got along much better in real life, with Haze telling Paper that "it was an unexpected collaboration. We share the same management and somehow found ourselves on a four-hour Skype call that then inspired Kwamie to start the song."
The multi-talented Liv both co-produced the song and co-directed the video with her friend Baby Duka, whom she has known since they collaborated on a Facebook cartoon called Sunday Strip. "I've always wanted to bring it full circle somehow and breathe moving form into the drawings, it's always been at the back of my mind lingering like some ideal creative challenge," Liv says. "'Pleasure This Pain' felt like the right moment. We wanted to create a limitless playground that Angel and I could live in for that song.
"Also, working with a music producer who is capable of drawing and animating something so beautiful and not utilizing it would be madness."
You can watch the video above.
You can watch the video above.