Image via Project Harpoon
As of this morning, it looks like the hideously named Project Harpoon -- aka a collective of fat-shaming (Moby) Dicks -- has been shuttered, as both the Facebook group and Instagram have been deleted.
The group's users posted edited photos of gorgeous, plus-sized women like Ashley Graham, Megan Trainor and Melissa McCarthy to make them thinner -- using vile tags like #SkinnyAcceptance and #thINNERBEAUTY to promote its goal of helping "misguided women" reach their full
potential. It obviously kicked off a lot of well-deserved outrage, with plus-size model and #effyourbeautystandards body positive activist Tess Holliday putting it on blast.
"It's abominable that this [Facebook page] is using my image without permission to promote themselves," she said. "This kind of hit piece is exactly why I started #effyourbeautystandards. I am asking my followers to boycott this [page] and any others like it. Loving yourself is the most powerful message we all need to stand behind."
Image via Project Harpoon
"It's abominable that this [Facebook page] is using my image without permission to promote themselves," she said. "This kind of hit piece is exactly why I started #effyourbeautystandards. I am asking my followers to boycott this [page] and any others like it. Loving yourself is the most powerful message we all need to stand behind."
The kicker though? Apparently the group was founded by a group of video game Redditors"dismayed by 'transformations' of [gaming] heroines, who went from stick-thin to more 'realistic' body sizes."
Thank fuck someone put these assholes in their place.
[h/t People]