Trans activist Aydian Dowling, and one of our 10 trans models changing the face of fashion, is on his way to winning Men's Health's"Ultimate Guy" contest, with a lead that's almost 3 times the votes held by the man in second place. The competition, which seeks to find "the guy who possesses all of the qualities that make up today's well rounded, active, health conscious and thoughtful guy" for the magazine's cover, seems a perfect fit for Dowling. Not only is he a bodybuilder, Dowling is also the owner of Point 5cc (a trans-pride clothing company), and an outspoken LGBT advocate who offers encouragement through twodifferent Youtube channels.
Dowling told People that through the contest he's trying "to break the stereotype of what a man should or shouldn't be." He continues, "I think it would blow would be so affirming to young kids who are lost right now and depressed to see somebody on a magazine, to see if I can do it, they can do it too." Well said, Aydian, and best of luck! You can vote for him HERE.