Best Ghost Sighting of the Week: Last night on Jimmy Kimmel, Keanu Reeves described the time he saw a ghost when he was around six or seven, explaining that both himself and his nanny saw "a jacket waving through the doorway" missing a body and head. In the voice of Keanu himself, "whoa." -- Emily McEnroe
Most "SAME"-Inspiring Wisdom Teeth Video of the Week: Jayci Underwood's. Who doesn't want to wake up from dental surgery as Nicki Minaj with a giant check from Ellen DeGeneres? -- Kyla Bills
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Most Exciting News for every 'Basic Bitch:' On November 12th Starbucks will release the Chestnut Praline Latte nationwide. Suggested pairing: This $2000 Ugg rug. -- EM
Weirdest Irrational Fear of the Week: Taylor Swift's overwhelming fear of being framed for murder, which is definitely a fear that A MURDERER would have. I mean we're not suggesting that Taylor is a murderer but... you know... -- KB
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Most Important Ranking Of The Week: Koala fights, ranked. Everything else is irrelevant. [via Gawker]