An avid reader, Thomas is currently reading a biography on architect, design scientist and futurist Buckminster Fuller. "He came up with a lot of solutions in the '60s for issues like global warming and things we're still struggling with now likel food production and climate change. His ideas still hold true."
Thomas chalks up her interest in cultural studies and societal issues to her generation, who were raised during the more eco-conscious '80s and '90s. "A lot of my friends are often feeling very frustrated about the state of the world," says Thomas, "especially with the environment and where our food comes from. Almost everyone I know gets their groceries at the Farmers' Market. "
Thomas even hosts a composting course at her East Village store, The Deep End Club. "I think what we're seeing," says Thomas, "is a return to nature."
Head over to Styld.by for more of Tennessee's looks.