Queens of the Stone Age's Josh Homme stars in this A+ Portlandia sketch about a disappointing gay man. [RollingStone]
"The Foodroom" is Amy Schumer's spot-on skewerijng of Aaron Sorkin's the Newsroom. [Hypervocal]
More Jon Hamm on Sesame Street: This time around he's teaching us about emotions including guilt, frustration and amazement. Which is weird, be because those are the exact same emotions we feel when we see pictures of him in tight pants. [Vulture]

Yep. [FYouNoFMe]
This cat wants you to stay OUT OF ITS LIFE. YOU'RE NOT ITS REAL DAD. [AfternoonSnoozeButton]
Love story. [The DailyDot]

Love story. [The DailyDot]
Calvin the dog hates junk mail like no other. [TastefullyOffensive]