Best Response to The Late Show with Stephen Colbert News: Comes from the man himself. What else would you expect? -- Tucker Chet Markus
Best Selfie-related News of the Week: Artists Tyler Madsen, Erik Carter, and Jilian Mayer created Selfeed, a website that provides realtime updates of the #selfie tag on Instagram. With thousands of mirror pics and peace signs flashing at a rapid pace, Selfeed is definitely the most efficient way to people watch. -- Gabby Bess
Best Celebrity Troll of the Week: Fake Drake. The internet's favorite Canadian rapper dressed up in "disguise" (a fake beard and an emo wig) and took to the streets to find out what people really think about Drake. The results are hilarious. --G.B.

Best Coachella Style Advice of the Week: Ms.Fitz's. This is the best thing we've read all week, if we do say so ourselves: " If you haven't heard, the slutty hippie/Pocahontas look is OUT -- so take that floral headband and denim booty shorts back to the Urban Outfitters mega mall on Bedford Avenue! For style direction, take note from the line-up this year, which is much less "Indie Rockerrrr" (yewwww!) and more European electronic. Get comfy and sexy in monochrome sneakers, basketball shorts and bold, tongue-in-cheek logo tees. Think, like, "Sporty East London chav" but kinda gothy, yeah?" -- E.T.

Worst Reason to be Gisele: Getting audited. I guess being on Forbes' 'Highest Paid Model List' several years running raises a few eyebrows. See, everyone's got shit. -- M.D.
Worst Woman-on-Woman Crime: The woman who chucked a shoe at Hillary Clinton as she took the stage for a speech in Vegas. Remember kids, what happens to Vegas sometimes goes viral. -- M.D.
Breakdown of the Week: This poor, poor girl doesn't understand how glass works. Or how cleaning works? Does she need some sort of a receptacle? I don't even know. *voice quivers* IT'S BEEN A LONG WEEK OK. *sobs* --T.C.M.