Beautiful short film directed by Jonas Lord for an (almost) instrumental track called "Comfort" by Maya Jane Coles. Coles is an acclaimed and award-winning UK producer and DJ, and the track is from her debut album -- also called Comfort -- that was originally released last summer, but is now set for a re-release in a "Deluxe" edition out March 24th. Mr. Lord is a bit of an unknown around here and, if this dreamy allegory is any indication, he's got a bright future.
Beautiful short film directed by Jonas Lord for an (almost) instrumental track called "Comfort" by Maya Jane Coles. Coles is an acclaimed and award-winning UK producer and DJ, and the track is from her debut album -- also called Comfort -- that was originally released last summer, but is now set for a re-release in a "Deluxe" edition out March 24th. Mr. Lord is a bit of an unknown around here and, if this dreamy allegory is any indication, he's got a bright future.