Best Performance of the Week: Paper Beautiful Person Le1f's segment doing "Wut" on last night's Letterman. Though much (perhaps too much) has been made of the fact that Le1f is a gay rapper, Letterman merely introduced him as "a New York rapper and producer," which did not go unnoticed by Le1f. (Via Gawker)

Best Backstreet Boys News of the Week: They announced their summer 2014 North American tour today. Backstreet's Back, ALRIGHT. --Tucker Chet Markus
Best Video of Arnold Schwarzenegger Crushing A Tiny Tank in His Regular Tank of the Week: Tanks are cool. --Tucker Chet Markus
Best Shut-Down of the Week: Chelsea Handler, destroying Piers Morgan on his show and calling him out for being bad at his job. --Elizabeth
Biggest Reminder That Everything Is Going to Be Just Fine: This video of a puppy blissfully rolling down a hill. Good job, puppy! --Elizabeth
Best Cunting News of the Week: The words "cunty, cuntish, cunted, and cunting" were all added to the Oxford English Dictionary. --Elizabeth
Best Description of the True Detective Finale that We Read All Week: This one, by Willa Paskin for Slate: "It's like, the spell wore off and suddenly it was just a TV show" --Elizabeth
Best Parody of that viral kissing video that turned out to be an ad for Wren: First Lick, by Jimmy Fallon.
Favorite Video of a Tiny Korean Child That Just Wants Cookies Even If They're From A Creepy Stranger of the week, maybe even of the month! Ok probably not the whole month but we'll see. --Tucker Chet Markus