Holy mother of god, this video of an animatronic devil baby terrorizing New Yorkers shaved a year off of our life. Good luck sleeping tonight. The eyes. Oh, the eyes. [Mlkshk]
There's a new trailer for the upcoming Tina Fey Muppets Movie and it's glorious.
Should have seen it coming. [FYeahDementia]
Sarah Palin posted this on Facebook yesterday. It has something to do with her new outdoors show -- girls are supposed to stop taking selfies and start fishing? The staff over at Vanity Fair, awesomely, took this challenge literally:
OK, buddy. Bye now! [TallWhitney]
Rumble in the Family Room: Dogs V. Vacuum Cleaners. [TastefullyOffensive]
And then just hang a left at Satan's Howling Hell Hounds Circle and you're at our place! [FYouNoFMe]
This cat.
Believe It. [TastefullyOffensive]