Walking through Bushwick after that last "one more drink" around 2 a.m. -- with the naive hope that the L Train is actually running -- can feel eerily post-apocalyptic. If you've ever felt like strange creatures of the night could come crawling out of the run-down warehouses, you wouldn't be too far off. The events production company Witches of Bushwick, who playfully refer to themselves as the Bushwiccans, are releasing their 2014 calendar to promote their coven -- complete with lunar cycle charts to track your energy alignment or plan the optimal night to cast a spell.
The calendar features the coven's witchy babes in front of Bushwick landmarks and street art that are most recognizable as, "Oh yeah, that weird thing that I pass by all the time and never question." Notably, artist designer and Paper's own Ms. Fitz -- who's collaborated with everyone from the controversial Peggy Noland to Gossip, to making bedazzled collars for baby tigers under the direction of the Norwegian artist Bjarne Melgaard -- looks like a ethereal Grecian goddess wearing high-heeled Timberland boots as the face of March. The Witches of Bushwick calendar is aesthetic eye candy, contrasting and complimenting scenes of Bushwick with an overload of kitsch and futurist minimalism.
Featuring Ms. Fitz, Juliana Huxtable, Chromat, Minka Sicklinger, Lauren Flax, Dark Sister, Jeremy McClain and more -- the calendar is now available for pre-order on their website or pick up a copy at the release party on December 12th. Details and RSVP HERE.
Juliana Huxtable
Minka Sicklinger