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Morning Funnies: The Only Emmys GIFs You Need to See

ijslC.gifKevin Spacey's "breaking the fourth wall" bit basically captured our entire sentiments toward last nights Emmys: "are we really going to watch this thing? Why are we doing this to ourselves? Hmm. Ok." [via Entertainment Weekly]

kevin.gifBut after a while, we were just like, "Shoo. Stop. Go away. I'm going to watch Breaking Bad now. K bye." [via Hit Fix]

tumblr_mtju4fkhdq1rd10xoo1_500.gifTracey Morgan is eternally the best. [via Tall Whitney]

3170cf82df0312c1_Merritt1.gifBut he's got some competition in Merritt Wever who gave the best acceptance speech ever. [via Pop Sugar]

tumblr_mtk2iuyy3j1s3y9slo2_500.gifIt's like the Tumblr of acceptance speeches. [via Perez Hilton]

fall.gifAt one point Tina Fey and Amy Poehler -- who stole the show btw -- started climbing up the stairs á la Jennifer Lawrence... [via Hit Fix]

comediansidestepemmy.gifand a random man slowly -- very slowly -- side-stepped off the stage behind Neil Patrick Harris. [via Vulture]

rs_560x315-130922222055-claire.gifClaire Danes made a sassy Angela Chase-esque face. [via E!]

anigif_enhanced-buzz-21532-1379902798-40.gifanigif_enhanced-buzz-18319-1379902819-17.gifBut, even though we like to gripe about awards shows, NPH's dance routine was pretty damn great... [via Buzzfeed]

tumblr_mtjukm22rK1rd10xoo2_500.gifand Taystee wore orange!!! [via Tall Whitney]

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