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GIFs of the Week: It's All About Miley-Nic Cage

Welcome to our Friday GIF roundup, featuring a collection of this week's most important, amusing and/or newsy GIFs and GIF sets by Mike Hayes of BuzzFeed and GIF Hound.

tumblr_mt2rorPm0o1rtpb3fo4_500.gifGIFs of the week! Long live GIFs! Because without GIFs, Miley Cyrus...

...probably couldn't become Miley Cyrus chicken

Thumbnail image for giphy.gif...or Miley Nic Cage on the wrecking ball

tumblr_mszonrqNa31r9ee4eo1_500.gifAnd Miley and Homer would probably never happen.

tumblr_mrzuobHRKv1rqd0kpo1_400.gifWe wouldn't get to see Kanye melt without GIFs.

tumblr_msztmifhCn1qdlh1io1_400.gifOr this bully beat up by a tae kwondo champ.

constant-eating.gifWithout GIFS, this guy's skills would be under appreciated.

hair-fishing.gifAnd this guy's skills.

anigif_enhanced-buzz-19163-1379018982-28.gifSo, appreciate GIF! Because Miley Nic Cage says so.

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