This is an Emergency Best Friend Request to whoever is behind the genius Tumblr "Funky Fresh In Lisa Frank, " in which your favorite celebrity crushes appear in photoshopped LF gear. Can you please do Paul Rudd in a Hollywood Bear-inspired sweatshirt next?? [BuzzfeedCeleb]
OMG, this lip-dub of Bill Clinton singing "Blurred Lines" is perfect. Sorry Rahm Emanuel, you've been replaced. (Plus, you *know* Bill Clinton would know what to do with a plastic folding chair to this song.) [Jezebel]
Yesterday, CNN aired 75 straight minutes of their unrelenting, frothy-mouthed royal baby coverage without going to another story. Here it is, condensed to 40 seconds and set to nightmarish clown anthem "Yakety Sax." [Guyism]Gurl. [FYouNoFMe]
Jennifer Lawrence met Jeff Bridges at Comic-Con and was so star-struck she ran away and acted like a giant weirdo. All the deeply charming action happens at the 2:30 mark. [Vulture]The doctor will see you now. [TastefullyOffensive]
Ta-da! [FYeahDementia]Plop. [JuliaSegalTime]
Half-way through the week! Let's do this, Wednesday. [Mlkshk]