While breathless "royal baby watch" coverage like "Will the baby be a feisty Leo or a sensitive Cancerian?" trickles out of London, we've decided to round-up some of the most awesomely demented royal baby memorabilia, as found on Etsy, eBay and beyond. Take a peek below and if none of this speaks to you, there's always this greeting card with pictures of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge that look as if a high school sophomore art student attempted to paint in the style of Lucian Freud. Welcome to the nightmare factory.

Royal baby-themed books
Sick bags
This weird plaque
"I Strawberry My Uncle Harry/Auntie Pippa"
Krispy Kreme's "Bite & Reveal" doughnut filled with "secret pink or blue kreme"
Lil' Sovereign - Lil' Bubbas doll
Limited-edition royal baby laundry detergent
Fuzzy royal baby sceptre rattle

Long-winded onesieCommemorative art
Terrifying Bonus Vintage Section:
Collectible Prince William doll
Prince William paper doll book