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GIFs Of the Week: Grumpy Cat Got a Movie + Patrick Stewart Ate His First Slice of Pizza

Welcome to our Friday GIF roundup, featuring a collection of this week's most important, amusing and/or newsy GIFs and GIF sets by Mike Hayes of Buzzfeed and Gifhound.

tumblr_m54ofv61Xh1rskeexo1_250.gifFirst. Much respect to anyone wearing business casual and dressier in THIS HEAT. [via 24]

tumblr_mno61pUhsG1qz581wo4_400.gifHere's a sloth loving - or ya know, maybe strangling - a kitten. [via Buzzfeed]

tumblr_mnm5a9OQgw1qjhttjo1_400.gifYeeeah, everyone heard Grumpy got a movie, right? [via Uproxx]

anigif_enhanced-buzz-30344-1369936857-5.gifAfter 72 years of life on earth, Patrick Stewart ate his first pizza slice this week! Well done, sir. [via Buzzfeed]

776819509.gifThe dude who won the National Spelling Bee had the perfect reaction to winning a spelling bee. [via Twitter]

MbTMBsK.gifSrsly, Arvind the spelling bee champion, does not give a fuck. [via Imgur]

776460093.gifYou don't have to be a sports fan to appreciate the perfectly executed double-flop. [via Twitter]

Will-Smith-Jaden-Smith-Alfonso-Ribeiro-Carlton-Dance-on-Graham-Norton-Show.gifThis week in so, so good. [via Gifrific]

tumblr_mno3arQMi51qbhoheo1_400.gifAnd this week in so, so true. [via Jonny McLaughlin]

tumblr_lk4g2hFeie1qbfnhro1_400.gifAnd finally, the turtle slide. Just the turtle slide. [via Peetaah]

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