Best Insane Exercise Video: Joanna Rohrback's Prancersise, the new workout that combines the elegance of a horse's gait, the ankle weights of 1989 and a springy top from Talbots. Get it, girl. -- Elizabeth Thompson
Best Dog: Billy Joel's tubby pug, Sabrina, photographed for his fascinating Q&A with Andrew Goldman in the Times Magazine. Joel lost 30 million on bum record deals and shady money management by his brother-in-law and says he's not bitter about it at all. -- E.T.
Image We Haven't Been Able to Get Out of Our Heads All Week: Rob Lowe's impressively plastic-looking, stretched mug in Behind the Candelabra. -- Abby Schreiber
Best Speller: 13-year-old Arvind Mahankali of Queens, who won the Scripps Spelling Bee for spelling "knaidel," a Yiddish word for dumpling. I would have been like, "n...a...o...k... bye." -- E.T.
Biggest Newspaper Fail: This coverline, which should say "The Reel Rhode Island," right? -- Jonah Wolf
Best Story of the Week: Helen Epstein tracked down the Jewish childhood friend to whom Melita Maschmann addressed her 1963 Hitler Youth memoir-cum-apology Account Rendered. -- J.W.
Craziest Dance Moves of the Week: Dancer Emmanuel "Skywalkrr" Hurt's otherworldly moves as seen in this video for clothing brand and boutique ØDD's new footwear collab with Praxis. -- A.S.
Best Reason We've Heard All Week to Visit Pittsburgh: The Conflict Kitchen, a take-out restaurant that only serves cuisine from countries the U.S. is in conflict with. -- A.S.
Best Reason We've Heard All Week to Visit Pittsburgh: The Conflict Kitchen, a take-out restaurant that only serves cuisine from countries the U.S. is in conflict with. -- A.S.