Reese Witherspoon Arrest DASH CAM VIDEO -- Crazier Than You Thought
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Celebrity Videos
Video footage of Reese Witherspoon getting arrested for being a drunk a-hole shouldn't be funny but oh my god the video of it happening is SO FUNNY. Especially funny: what her husband says to the police officer at the end. That guy is sleeping on the couch for at least the next six months.[Buzzfeed]
True facts of Truth with Zach Galfianakis and Jimmy Fallon. "The word 'cactus' is Latin for penis plant." [LateNightWithJimmyFallon]
Here's a clip of Only God Forgives director Nicolas Winding Ref giving Ryan Gosling and his triceps some tips about how fight scenes are like sex or something... We don't know, just watch because Ryan Gosling's triceps. [Jezebel]
Bob Saget was on Conan last night and read some lines from Full House that he could never get through without laughing. [Buzzfeed]
Ok, what, wait a minute, say what, tell us more! [LaughterKey]
Can someone make this into stationary for us? [RatsOff]
Sleepy baby ducky GIF = heart explosion forever. [JuliaSegal]
Urgent panis question...[AfternoonSnoozeButton]
Electric guitar squeal, high five! Have a great weekend! [Mlkshk]
Urgent panis question...[AfternoonSnoozeButton]
Electric guitar squeal, high five! Have a great weekend! [Mlkshk]