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GIFs of the Week: Tilda Swinton's Conga Line and Lots and Lots of Pancakes

Welcome to our Friday GIF roundup, featuring a collection of this week's most important, amusing and/or newsy GIFs and GIF sets by Mike Hayes of BuzzFeed and GIF Hound.

tumblr_mlvdc0F0cf1qbyxr0o1_400.gifLook at this. Think about how impossible it would be to hit a Major League pitch. [Cineraria]

tumblr_mlub6lnrmY1qdlh1io1_400.gifWhile you're thinking about that. Think about how many ankles you would break if you attempted this move. (My answer: Two) [4 GIFs]

tumblr_mlrp3xtlAS1qa9siqo2_500.gifWhile you're feeling bad about your lack of athletic skills, think about Tilda Swinton starting a conga line, and feel happy again. [Bobby Finger]

tumblr_mlqk99BiiH1s594zyo1_400.gifWhile you're feeling happy, think about Jay Gatsby, who sometimes felt happy, except when he felt cripplingly sad. [Gatsby Movie]

tumblr_mlp79gReAY1ql2603o1_400.gifIf you're feeling sad, try to relax. [NikNak79]

tumblr_mllsdv0WFq1qg39ewo1_500.gifJust...chill... [GIF Movie]

Try not to think about this... [Bee Is Happy]

tumblr_mlqak0sIPh1qhpw5wo1_500.gifOr this... [via Charlotte Free]

tumblr_mlsidnbhUd1r4y5m7o1_250.gif tumblr_mlsidnbhUd1r4y5m7o2_250.gif

Remember. You're special and different. [Renner Spears]

tumblr_mlnugaTzNy1s46p8ao1_1280.gifIf all else fails, eat all the pancakes. [Denny's]

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