Matilda, based on the much beloved children's book by notorious weirdo Roald Dahl (Willy Wonka etc.), is the biggest thing to hit musical theater in recent memory. Now that's it come across the pond from the UK to the States, will we find out if this kid is over-hyped or truly gifted? Find out in our full review!
Jekyll & Hyde
After almost six months of touring, Jekyll & Hyde has landed on Broadway. That should be good news for audiences and creator Frank Wildhorn alike. Having been given almost half a year to perfect their show, this may be the first of his many productions to recoup its cost and actually turn a profit on the Great White Way. Find out if this perennial beast has a good side in our full review of Jekyll & Hyde!
The Nance
One of the cleverest writers working in theater today, Doulgas Carter Beene, has penned a play about the fabulous but closeted world of Gay New York in the '30s, as told through the lens of the seedy world of Depression-era burlesque? We're in! But wait there's more you say? Nathan Lane is the lead? Marvelous! Of course we did recently re-watch 1996's The Bird Cage and Mr. Lane's portrayal of a rather similar character no longer hit the right notes in 2013's progressive climate of marriage equality. Let's see if going back in time another 60 years provides a deeper take on what it means to be gay in America.