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Amanda Bynes Is a Really, Really Big Drake Fan


amandabyneswnatswheelchairjimmytomurderhervagina.jpgI know this blog is called Morning FUNNIES and not Morning Saddies but, oh my god,  everything Amanda Bynes does makes me want to sob while sliding down a wall. [Dlisted]

Drew Barrymore and Jimmy Fallon smeared makeup all over each other last night on Late Night and it was pretty cute.

Flavorwire's supercut of Gary Oldman freaking the fuck out in movies is awesome.
P.S. Is his character in True Romance O.G. Riff Raff? Look at him!

plopbird.pngPlop! [AfternoonSnoozeButton]

403_295508937247092_108111880_n.jpgAvocados, grapes, strawberries and tomatoes, SON. Flavonoids 4 lyfe. [Reddit]

A video of a chunky bulldog named Winston tap dancing is the reason for the Internet. [TastefullyOffensive]

tumblr_mjx7gxvNOt1qbozyjo1_500.pngApril 7 April 7 April 7 April 7 April 7 April 7 April 7 April 7 April 7 April 7. [CampBasement]

tumblr_mjtqwlNIQr1rggrn8o1_400.gif<3 <3 <3 Prince Rogers Nelson. [TheRumblr]

tumblr_mjvh7rrmy91qbw5tfo1_500.jpgThis is the look. [FYeahDementia]

PFZ7.jpgIf a red smiley face is the equivalent of "you are a hilarious genius," then we're OK with this score for Emma. [Mlkshk]

tumblr_mk0yloJNqd1qmwqu7o1_500.pngTimes Square, 1987. "New Policy: Best Porn In Town" is our favorite new policy. [InternetGirl69]

Bow to the master, Miley Cyrus -- this is twerking. Please ass clap your way to the nearest exit. Thank you. [Dlisted]

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