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Clearly Hipsters Are the New Beatniks

tumblr_mi46fyND9D1qzhoqfo1_1280.jpgThis spoof of beatniks from 1964 still totally holds true today -- just replace "the Village" with "Williamsburg" and "beatniks" with "hipsters." [via Babylon Falling]

Screen shot 2013-02-19 at 9.15.25 AM.pngWe can't stop scrolling through You Had One Job!, a huge gallery full of proof that anyone everyone can screw up royally while at work. 

tumblr_mfi3vqAIXG1r964sho1_500.jpgWe've been there. [via F Yeah Demetia]

Screen-Shot-2013-02-18-at-2.11.44-PM.pngThom Yorke did an AMA on Reddit and it's full of crazy, cryptic responses to straightforward questions. Our favorite is when he was asked how he became comfortable singing in front of others: "my formative years involved finding no-one else to sing the songs. so doing it myself. and singing into a bucket, but thats another story. stanley donwood has a kind of vibrator on his shoulder right now." [via Death and Taxes]

Sea World did a "Harlem Shake" video and between the dancing seals and the walrus doing rhythmic situps,  there's absolutely no way it can be topped. [via Mashable]

tumblr_mic5cnsB0u1qau3abo1_r1_500.pngSeriously -- poor Michelle. [via I'm With Kanye]

This "When Animals Attack" supercut is the only supercut we'll be watching this morning. [via Pleated Jeans]

tumblr_ly0i7eEsam1qc582lo1_r1_500.giftumblr_ly0i7eEsam1qc582lo2_r1_500.gifWe couldn't agree more, Jimmy. [via Afternoon Snooze Button]
tumblr_mifa67tDEZ1qewacoo1_500.jpgWe'd watch that. [via @katwilliams]

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