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Don't Call Oprah 'Old' On Twitter

oprah-tweet-old.pngThink Oprah's not going to see your rude tweet about her looking old? WRONG. Oprah is everywhere. Oprah sees all. Oprah's presence is continuous throughout all of creation.[Gawker]

tumblr_inline_mhe6367SEo1qz4rgp.gifExclusive sneak-peek of the Destiny's Child Superbowl half-time show! [FYouNoFMe]

tumblr_mhcfezeqcN1qz8vumo1_500.jpgThis is the exact face we picture Jon Hamm making when he doesn't put underpants on in the morning. [Videogum]

tumblr_mhasshDMI81qcvgt5o1_1280.jpgJust say no. [JuliaSegal]

tumblr_mgou7yFq0z1qdlh1io1_500.gifJust gonna borrow this for a quick sec. Thanks.  [JuliaSegel]

budse-y.jpg The world is a Nic Cage. [PleatedJeans]

tumblr_mh5zo0440o1re5e8io1_500.jpgWell shoot. [FYeahDementia]

tumblr_mh5vr7XWny1qcwtk6o1_500.jpgtumblr_mh5vr7XWny1qcwtk6o2_500.pngOMG. [Flavorpill]

tumblr_mhahcbAJRG1qzt7suo1_500.jpgPac-man pancake! [dschwen]

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