Best Coverage of Hillary Clinton's Benghazi Hearing: Feministing's GIF roundup. Listening to white Republican men go on and on and on never looked so good. -- Elizabeth Thompson
Best Instagram Post: Egyptian Lover showed up to soundcheck at P.S. 1's dome on Sunday to find these speakers. (But hey, those are obelisks, not pyramids!) -- Jonah Wolf
Best Music Festival Line-Up: Governors Ball, which features Kanye, Kings of Leon, Nas, The xx, Azealia Banks, Kendrick Lamar, Dirty Projectors, Local Natives and a buttload more. Sorry, Coachella. -- Abby Schreiber

Best Nicorette Chewing: Obama during the inaugural parade. You KNOW he was out on the balcony of the Lincoln bedroom having a celebratory Marlboro Monday night. -- E.T.

Biggest Scandal We Just Couldn't Bring Ourselves To Care About: Beyoncé lip-syncing the National Anthem during the inauguration. Eh. -- E.T.
Best Clip We Watched All Week: The fake commercial for "Birth Control on the Bottom" yogurt. -- A.S.