Thursday, January 24
Film: Echoes of Silence/Hallelujah the Hills at Film Forum
Two films for the price of one. In Adolfas Mekas's 1963 comedy Hallelujah the Hills, two actresses play the same woman pursued by two different men through different genre-parody scenarios. The dialogue-free vignettes in Peter Emmanuel Goldman's 1967 Echoes of Silence follow lovelorn beatniks through Greenwich Village and Times Square.
Film Forum, 209 West Houston Street, (212) 727-8110. $12.50. Hallelujah the Hills (82 min., 35 mm) screens 1:00, 4:05, and 7:20; Echoes of Silence (74 min., 16 mm) screens 2:40 and 5:45.
Music: Bueno (EP Release) at Shea Stadium
Bueno's Tumblr establishes them as historians of Staten Island punk rock, but you don't need a ferry ticket to access the mix of deadpan vocals and saxophone skronk on their new EP, Skinpop. Tonight they play a Brooklyn venue named after a Queens baseball field. With Mr. Dream and Yvette.
Shea Stadium, 20 Meadow Street, Brooklyn. 8 p.m. $8.
Party: Voices of Black at the Flat
T-shirt line Kaviar and Cigarettes hosts a night of ambient soul grooves from DJ duo Voices of Black.
The Flat, 308 Hooper Street, Brooklyn. 11 p.m. Free.

Friday, January 25
Lecture: Ian Svenonius at (le) poisson rouge
Punk intellectual Svenonius (Nation of Ulysses, Chain and the Gang, the Make-Up), reads from his new book, Supernatural Strategies for Making a Rock & Roll Group.
(le) poisson rouge (gallery), 158 Bleecker Street, (212) 505-3474. 6 p.m. Free. 21+
Art: Strange Lens at AIRPLANE
This group show brings together Hilary Doyle's painting of urban detritus, Dan Herr's frenetic abstractions, and Mike Olin's childlike sketches.
AIRPLANE, 70 Jefferson Street. Open Sundays 1-6 p.m. through February 24. Opening reception tonight 7-10 p.m.
Music: Will Redman and Kevin Shea at the Kitchen
Two avant-garde drummers occupy the two floors of Jacob Kassay's installation Untitled (disambiguation). Guests are encouraged to come and go as they please.
The Kitchen, 512 West 19th Street, (212) 255-5793. 7-9 p.m. Free.

Saturday, January 26
Party: Dope Jams Closing
This Clinton Hill shrine to classic house shuts its doors on the seventh anniversary of its opening.
Dope Jams, 580 Myrtle Avenue, Brooklyn, (718) 622-7997. 8 p.m. $20.
Music: Hunters at Dead Herring
Another Brooklyn venue shutting its door tonight is Williamsburg apartment-cum-club Dead Herring. Tonight's send-off show features four local acts: post-punk shriekers Hunters; garage-soul growlers the Immaculates; punk-pop footstompers Moonmen on the Moon, Man; and synth-noise droners Necking.
Dead Herring, 141 South 5th Street, Brooklyn. 9 p.m. $5
Music: Lordz of Brooklyn at the Studio at Webster Hall
When Lordz of Brooklyn formed 25 years ago, "Brooklyn bands" weren't a thing. Instead, the rappers paid tribute to the immigrant communities preserved on screen in films like Saturday Night Fever, a sample from which opens their 1995 debut album, All in the Family. Their next album, 2006's The Brooklyn Way, saw them dropping the borough from their name and adding live instruments.
The Studio at Webster Hall, 125 East 11th Street. 7 p.m. $15. Tickets here.
Art/Music: Iceage at Home Sweet Home
Scandinavian goth-punks Iceage helped put together tonight's exhibition at Lower East Side speakeasy Figure 19, including artwork by Will Boone, Anthony Pappalardo and Marisa Paternoster (Screaming Females). Tickets will be available for the band's sure to be packed show at downstairs dive Home Sweet Home, also featuring External Affair and Pharmakon.
Figure 19, 131 Chrystie Street. Exhibition and box office open at 6 p.m. Music starts at 10 p.m. $10
Sunday, January 27
Music: Peter Stampfel at Bowery Electric
Downtown anti-folk fixture Peter Stampfel has performed with Bob Dylan, Yo La Tengo, and Buckminster Fuller and many others in the fifty-plus years since he founded the Holy Modal Rounders. Tonight finds him on the same bill as drummer extraordinaire Greg "GDFX" Fox (Guardian Alien, Zs) in a benefit for Das Menace musician and cancer survivor Letha Melchior.
Bowery Electric, 327 Bowery, (212) 228-0228. 8 p.m. $15. 21+
Art: Postcards from the Edge at Sikkema Jenkins
This annual benefit for Visual AIDS exhibits over a thousand postcard-sized works by artists established and not, each priced at $85 and displayed anonymously.
Sikkema Jenkins Gallery, 530 West 22nd Street, (212) 929-2262. 12-4 p.m. $5 suggested admission.
Party: Brooklyn Nightlife Awards at Glasslands
An upstart rival to PAPER's Nightlife Awards, this celebration includes awards for "Best Food Truck" and "Best Reason to Leave Brooklyn." Murray Hill and Merrie Cherry host the ceremony, with performances by AB SOTO, Krystal Something-Something, Di Ba, Horrorchata, and Zebra Baby.
Glasslands Gallery, 289 Kent Avenue, Brooklyn. 9 p.m. $10. Free after-party at This 'n' That, 108 North 6th Street.