This fake commercial for "Birth Control on the Bottom" yogurt, starring Megan Amram, Retta, Rosa Salazar, Diane Mizota, Sonibert Rodriguez, Weird Al, and Laura Dziamba, is brilliant. [TheCut]
From Embroidery Poems' "Twitter Poems" contest. More details here. [TheRumpus]
That thing where you're 30 and daydream about being friends with the Obama girls. [TallWhitney]
To go with your Jackie Jormp-Jomp poster. [Flavorpill]
Here's Benedict Cumberbatch, aka Banjobox Tootlesnorts, as Wikileaks founder Julian Assange in the upcoming film The Fifth Estate. [Dlisted]
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [THR]
Meh bread ties. [ThisIsntHappiness]
Hey Sassyland! [TheClearlyDope]

Real talk. It's so cold in New York right now that people are putting rats in their pockets and using them as hand warmers. [LaughterKey]
See you later. [AfternoonSnoozeButton]