Welcome to our Friday GIF roundup, featuring a collection of this week's most important, amusing and/or newsy GIFs and GIF sets by Mike Hayes of Buzzfeed and Gifhound.

Jodie Foster came out at the Golden Globes. She did. That's what happened. (Ryan Broderick)

George Clooney and Amy Poehler were there too! (ibid.)

Some genius (who I'm still trying to track down!) perfectly summed up the Manti Te'o fake girlfriend story in a single Usual Suspects-inspired GIF.

Newsweek took a stand this week. I think Tumblr is mad at them now. Or maybe just a little disappointed. (thedorseyshawexperience)

Mariah Carey judged American Idol. (RealityTVGIFs)

Nicki Minaj's hair was there too! (ibid.)

A police chase practically ended up in this guy's front yard. (4GIFs)

And finally, this guy came clean. (The Daily Dot)

No! We can't end it like that! Let's end it with a turtle who got his wings! (WitStream)