It was a, great year for GIFs. Maybe the best. Below, my top 10.
1.) Dog GIF of the year. Definitely. [IRaffIRuse]
2.) The Best Frank Ocean GIF on Tumblr, brought to you by Frank Ocean, the man who won Tumblr in 2012. [hanzohasashigunzo]
3.) The Best/Worst Moment of Andy Cohen's year is one of the best GIFs of 2012. [realitytvgifs]
4.) Obama stumping in the rain was Obama's best GIF from the 2012 campaign trail. [gifhound]
5.) McKayla Maroney's perfect moment. Sporting GIF of the year, clearly. [buzzfeed]
6.) Hillary Clinton GIF of the Year. [buzzfeed]
7.) Remember this storm that hit the Bahamas hard, delayed the RNC for a day -- creating one the great GOP herp derp moments of 2012? Storm GIF of the year... [flickr]
8.) Best GOP GIF? Eastwooding. [buzzfeed]
9.) Mitt Romney gets a GIF of the year, too. Jenga! [brooklynmutt]
10.) And last but not least...possibly the pinnacle GIF of 2012: Felix doing Felix. [@buzzfeedsports]
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