Tom Cruise and Jimmy Fallon had a water war on last night's Late Night.
Mona Duckface. [FYeahDementia]
The tortured soul hot-guy of chairs? [Reddit]
Lenny Kravitz wearing the most giant scarf in all of the land. [AfternoonSnoozeButton]
Who wants to come?? There will be tons of worrying about things that will probably never happen, heart pounding, crying, difficulty sleeping, plus more! Feel free to bring anyone you want. [CoinFarts]
Seasonal Dre. [Pizzzatime]
Nice manners, dog! [Reddit]
Fart it up. [TheClearlyDope]
No time for the apocalypse.
But we'll always make time for the ......
ALPACA-LYPSE!! And the streets shall run fluffy with the fluff of millions. [ThisIsntHappiness; TastefullyOffensive]