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Morning Funnies: Jonah Hill and Don Lemon's Twitter Slap Fight + David's Pizza Commercial

jonahhilldonlemon.pngJonah Hill and CNN's Don Lemon got into a weird Twitter slap flight about who is ruder. Though ending a dismissive comment with 'peace' is always funny, Don gets major bitch points for his 'stardom is fleeting' comment. We're calling this a tie and deem them both 12-year-old girls. [Gawker]

Start your Friday right, with this video of a Great Dane and baby deer who are best friends. Too much, too much. [TastefullyOffensive

tumblr_md6fwx5Et11rqgjz2o1_500.jpgFYI, Beyonce was the white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland for Halloween. [ButtSexington]
 tumblr_md654fIw9n1ru3ibuo1_500.pngWe're all about croutons, but this is waaay too much crouton. [TallWhitney]

Watch Aziz Ansari, Momofuku chef David Chang and Joe Beef chefs Fred Morin and David McMillian eat fried bologna sandwiches on Chang's new PBS show. [PopCultureBrain]

tumblr_md6ai3dzHE1r6xvfko1_500.pngOur new favorite website = Google Poetics, featuring poetry generated by Google's suggestion feature. [TheParisReview]

W840S.gifDon't see me. [Reddit]

7999821973_13a02b7bda.jpgDesperately, desperately wanted this bedspread circa 1991. [ShawnIguana]

Apparently this pizza commercial is fake, but that doesn't make it any less beautiful. [TheWorldsBestEver]

tumblr_mcqvo99Ynv1rilhuro1_500.jpg:( [ParisHiltonSexSlave]

Robert-Downey-Jr.jpgBaby Robert Downey Jr.! [ThisIsNotPorn]

tumblr_m3qd8yA9rR1qi9oofo1_500.gifYeah. [--Chris]

Lucy and Desi, champions of breakfast. [PizzzaTime]

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