Photographer Charlie White has been exploring the awkwardness and vulnerability of teenage girls for the past few years with projects such as his film American Minor, his animated film series OMG BFF LOL, and his intensive two year photographic study of a Southern Californian teenage girl titled "The Cyrilla Strothers Project." White's latest addition to his teenage-themed body of work is "Music For Sleeping Children," a five-song EP of pop songs made in collaboration with musician Boom Bip. The songs feature audio clips of interviews with teenage girls talking about popularity, "wannabes" and other complicated social structures, how getting bad grades can be enough to ruin "an entire plan." The videos can be hilarious, like some sociological glimpse inside Regina George's brain, but also really strange, unsettling and unexpectedly dark. You mostly just want to give every one featured here a hug. Below, check out some of the videos from the project.