Here's a clip of Andy Samby in his new, post-SNL role as a nightmare hippie son-in-law on the BBC show Cuckoo. We'd watch, we'd watch. [Jezebel]
Adam Scott stopped by Conan last night and did a close reading of the "Ice Ice Baby" lyrics, which, somehow, we only just now realized make zero sense. Per Scott, "A harpoon is a spear which is like the size of a large person. It's not something that flows. But he's saying he flows like a harpoon all day and all night." HUH.[Via Vulture]
As mentioned in Friday's Eight Items or Less, here's Mitt Romney on Kelly and Michael weirdly marveling over Snooki's weight loss and saying that he wears "as little as possible" to bed. Oh nonononono. It starts at 15:30. [EntertainmentWeekly]
Newman! [RatsOff]
Moar bubbles. [InternetKHole; H/T: Interweber]
Like you even have to ask, Jo Go-Lev. [ONTD]
A lamp by designer Chris Haines that looks like a bowl of Fruit Loops. You turn it on by touching the spoon! Neeed thissss. [LaughingSquid]
Buzzfeed shows us what One Direction's Harry (and a bunch of other heart-throb pop stars) will look like as geriatrics. And this is without hair loss. Mwahahaha!
Chillin' chillin'. [Buttsexington]
Behold (and then barf): A deep-fried margarita in a salt-rimmed glass from the Texas State Fair. [ThatsNerdalicious]
Waitaminuteholdupsoyouretellingusbutwethought.... [BobbyFinger]
Finally, the "I Love You Eyes" girl from Raiders of the Lost Ark in GIF form. [LaughterKey]